Heroes: Fate
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Restricted Powers List

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Restricted Powers List Empty Restricted Powers List

Post  PC October 31st 2012, 11:36 pm

Restricted powers are abilities which are considered to be more powerful than the average ability in the room, but not so strong they cannot be limited effectively. Restricted powers may be granted, at staff discretion, to any member who has demonstratively shown that they do not have the propensity to abuse powers.

Restricted powers are collected on this page so users may easily see what they are. Powers on this page will also be listed under the appropriate general category.

Restricted Powers (these are representative, not exhaustive and all inclusive)

Photoniokinesis (Also called Electro-Magnetic Manipulation, Electromagnetic Field Manipulation, or Electro-Magnetism) - an ability, when properly used, capable of astounding feats of natural force manipulation. The DNA Alternate accomplishes this by an extension of the radioactivity mutation. By exerting their control of the Earth's electro-magnetic fields, the Alternate can affect things from weather and magnetism to bolts of concussive lightning, even things down to sub atomic levels causing various small explosions if the Alternate is skilled enough. While most of the affects of this power do not reach the heights of the normal standard controls of things like weather and magnetism, this power can span the gap between them, proving that a jack of all trades is a master of none.

Examples of uses:

* Can cause already full clouds to pour rain.

* Raise of lower the temperature (only a few degrees and only in a small area)

* Magnetically move objects around by shifting and strengthening a present magnetic field.

* "Bursts" static electricity, causing concussive force.

* Small atomic reactions, causing moderate explosions.

* Detection of unnatural electrical outputs

* Tractor Beams (of limited strength)

Like most cluster powers, this power involves trading quantity for quality. In other words, it involves using natural limits in new ways rather than super natural strengths, but allows a great number of possible manipulations. The creative mind could use this ability with frightening skill, while the limited one would be a one trick pony. As the individual tricks permitted by this power aren't greatly powerful (unless under the effects of an Amplifier of some strength) it doesn't make a one man army, but it certainly can set the stage for optimal conditions if you're drawn into a fight.

This ability is a natural progression of magnetism and includes it's functionality, though the severity of control the user has over magnetic fields naturally will vary from Alternate to Alternate. Please see Magnetic Manipulation for more information.

Because of the fact it tends to channel and control existing energy rather than produce it, temperature tends to have limiting effects.

The complete list of photoniokinetic specializations can be found below:

* Electromagnetic Pulse is a specialization of Photoniokinesis that allows the DNA Alternate to generate high-powered pulses of electromagnetic radiation, shutting down and wiping out electronic devices.

* Magnetic Manipulation is a specialization of Photoniokinesis that allows the DNA Alternate to destabilize and ultimately control magnetic fields, thus achieving a type of "telekinesis over metal."

* Electrokinesis is a specialization of Photoniokinesis that allows the DNA Alternate to manipulate the electric currents in their bodies, and discharge the stored energy in powerful electric bolts.

DNA Absorption (or Genetic Absorption) is the ability able to literally absorb the genetic code of individuals at once through skin to skin contact. This process can involve absorbing their victim's personality, memories, and even their physical characteristics (though not complex rearrangement of skeletal features, only features like hair and eye color or skin complexion). It is, of course, even more probable to absorb the abilities of those who possess them due to the fact that it is in the genetic code of these advanced individuals that holds their mutation.

This absorption usually leaves its victim weakened, and sometimes unconscious, with their powers temporarily weakened or removed while the absorber can be left confused or disoriented until they have become used to the experience. The effects are usually temporary, lasting for a period of time relative to how long contact is maintained.

Most often this process happens instantly when the wielder touches someone, but in certain instances where someone posses the same power or an ability that allows a skin covering of an exoskeleton then they are able to resist the transfer. Also, simple clothing can prevent transfer.

Atomic Transmutation Mutation - The Atomic Transmutation Mutation is an extension of the primary motor cortex mutation in the radioactivity mutation. Atomic Transmutation (Also called Alchemy) allows the DNA Alternate to consciously control their own radioactive decay fields, thus determining to change the subatomic structure of matter. Atomic Transmutation allows the Alternate to manipulate matter on a subatomic level, thus changing one substance into another by rearranging protons, neutrons and electrons.

Alchemy is basically the ability to transform something common into something different. It requires direct contact to function and, although it is theoretically possible to manipulate biological structures, it generally only applies to non-organic materials. The Alternate is unable to transmute genetic structures, or even cells. This ability could not create machines for example, but if you broke a television screen it could be used to refuse the glass. With practice, the Alternate could convert lead into gold, or make stone or metal more brittle. The reverse is also true that the Alternate could make materials that are weak a little stronger, but it could not convert a building into a giant circus tent. The uses of this ability are small, but practical. The exceptionally powerful could turn bullets and knives directed at them into soft pliable material, turning lethal wounds into bruises from the high velocity impacts.

Intuitive Aptitude (also called Mechanical Intuition) - the ability of a DNA Alternate to understand the function of advanced systems instinctually. They may be able to 'hear' when something is broken.

The Alternate may analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training. In other words, the Alternate may possess direct knowledge or cognition without the process of evident rational thought and inference, thus understanding the mechanical or functional details or procedure of how something works intuitively. The Alternate could not, however, actually create things or fix objects with intuitive aptitude alone. Because this ability is an extension of superhuman intelligence, the Alternate may follow logical strings much further and faster than most.

The Alternate may understand biological systems so well that they can see how the extraordinary abilities of others work. A great danger to this ability is that it often compels the Alternate to understand as much as they can, resulting in a 'hunger' which can manifest as the need to understand everything. This hunger could become insatiable and cause its own psychosis. The DNA Alternate may replicate a maximum of five abilities. Taking on additional abilities will re-write the longest held ability at the time.

Reactive Evolution (also called Reactive Adaptation) is the ability in which a person's body automatically adapts to whatever force or situation it is faced with. For example, if someone gets shot with a bullet then, while that first shot will hurt and cause the intended wound, the body will adapt and not permit a second shot fired to pierce the skin, making the person's skin impenetrable for a third shot. However, if the first blow was a fist, then it would only have adapted to that force and a knife could still pierce the skin the first time, but not a second, etc.

This adaptation also goes beyond a superficial skin adaptation and effects the entire body, permitting the person with the ability to become evolved to fend off poisons, harsh climates, and even the need to breathe underwater.

The amount of time the adaptation lasts for a person varies.

Nemesis (or Reactionary Replication) is a rare ability that functions primarily on the level of instinct, though once is discovered by the evolved human, can be function as part reactionary and part willful control. With this power a user can duplicate any single ability they detect through any line of sight or within a limited range. Meaning they could see a special on the street and, like Empathic Mimicry, replicate their power(s).

Alternately, some who have this ability have manifested the opposite of a direct replication. The mimicked power's alternative is instead gained and the user will find they can counter whatever power is exhibited in the original person's manifestation, such as gaining fire against an ice user or gravity powers against a flier.

This power is rarely found, and most often discovered among a rare and select few of specials who may never even know they have a power. Also, because of the unique nature of the power, no secondary ability manifests for those with this power. (Meaning one could not have Nemesis and Flight, etc..) With training, the Nemesis user can hold the copied power for up to one hour after replication (either way) but after that their slate will always go clean, leaving them powerless and "normal" once more. Most who have this ability, however, will lose the power(s) gained as soon as the threat passes or the other "special" is out of range.

A common flaw with this ability is that the user becomes dependent on using their power far too much and has a decreased ability to fight like a normal human, though this may not always be the case. Most oddly, this power cannot be used to duplicate or generate power negation. Similarly, powers that deal in mind control or puppetry can only be generated through the duplication, rather than creating it as a counter for another special.

All Sight - the ability to see in all aspects contained in Enhanced Vision , accessing the powers of telescopic vision, microscopic vision, full vision of the color spectrum, infrared vision, night vision, X-ray vision, laser vision, and have 360 degrees of vision. The ability, however, only allows perception in one aspect at a time, but because of their acute abilities with sight, they are perfectly able to see through illusions regarding light (including seeing the invisible).

Spiral Force - an ability that inspired by the electron orbiting the proton, and the earth orbiting the sun. Spiral Force is based on the celestial mechanics concept of orbit. A person with this particular mutation has the potential to manipulate gravity in a similar manner to the way a Gyrokinetic would. In fact, the genetic mutation that causes Gyrokinesis also causes Spiral Force. However, there are characteristic differences. A DNA Alternate with Spiral Force defies the scaling in gravity law, allowing them to project weak orbital fields around themselves. As their bodies become flushed with adrenaline, this field becomes stronger, to the point where it can be used with visible effect.

DNA Alternates with Spiral Force find that they can use their powers naturally to great effect. They can use their orbital fields as shields, trapping bullets, missiles, darts, and other potentially threatening objects in orbit around them. They can also move objects, hurling them about, and potentially even throwing them great distances. Disorientation is another possible effect of Spiral Force; essentially a concentrated confusion in the target's inner ear, creating effects similar to vertigo. On a larger scale, an Alternate with this power can (from the perspective of observers, at least), create much larger range distortions of the immediate area. The ability can also be used to move quickly, by using the orbital field to throw oneself about. Inelegant, but effective. With intense training, practice, and concentration, an Alternate with Spiral Force is capable of even greater feats, such as using their orbital fields to compress and crush objects. They can use their orbital fields to create a vacuum, or even implode that vacuum to create explosions. Finally, and potentially the most phenomenal use of Spiral Force, is to manipulate one's own position in space-time. While this would be extremely difficult, and inexact, it would be possible nonetheless.

Spiral Force is fraught with negative effects on the body. The use of an orbital field is extremely draining, exhausting energy reserves quickly. Once exhausted, an Alternate with Spiral Force would find their orbital field returning to normal strength. Strong negative feelings, like depression, misery, and despair are caused by certain neurochemicals that inhibit the use of Spiral Force.

Ability Absorption (Also called Power Theft or Power Absorption) - The ability to steal another's ability, rendering them powerless. This power is the power theft power that Arthur Petrelli had.

Power theft (or Power absorption) is similar to Genetic Absorption in that it is the ability to steal the abilities of other evolved humans through physical contact, basically reconfiguring the victims genetic code and rewriting their own. However, unlike Genetic Absorption, the effects of this ability are permanent, rendering any victim powerless as if they never had an ability. Firm physical contact and active concentration are required for this ability to work, lasting long enough for full transferal. If contact is broken before the process is complete, then the theft is averted. Abilities that are gained or stolen can be used immediately. A person with this ability can take multiple abilities at once from someone who has acquired multiple abilities (such as Peter or Sylar). There is no reversal to this transfer. Thus far, the most abilities held at once is ten.

Body Insertion - The ability to insert a person into someone else's body. This is the power Future Peter had when he inserted Sylar into Nathan's body (or something to that effect).

Empathic Mimicry (Also called Residual Emulation) - The ability to duplicate the powers of other evolved humans within proximity and reproduce them at will when thinking about the original source of the power. This is the power Peter Petrelli had originally.

Empathic Mimicry (or Residual Emulation) is the extremely rare ability to absorb other anomalistic abilities like a sponge when within a close proximity of other evolved humans. The abilities are automatically reproduced within the person with this ability, generally without their immediate knowledge. Persons with empathic mimicry often do not understand how to use all of their abilities until forced, perhaps as a defense mechanism, or if practiced once they know to have the ability. Often the abilities are associated with emotions and are evoked when panic, fear or other strong feelings overcome the person.

Some replicators take on their ability by a remote sampling of the other person's genetic code, allowing their body to alter to accommodate the new ability. Some are capable of simply aligning their mind with their target (in cases of very people-oriented mimics) to discern how it works and then making the changes. Some rare cases have to see the power function at least once to replicate it. In any case, the individual's biology will take on the aspects of the new ability instantly, incorporating it into a new mutation of their genetic code. Some strong with this may even know how to use it effectively directly afterward.

Currently, for original characters, abilities are maxed out at a capacity of 5. Taking on an additional ability will re-write the longest held ability at the time.

Induced Radioactivity - The ability to manipulate the movement of subatomic particles, thus generating and emitting toxic radiation. This is the power Ted Sprague had.

Chronokinesis (Also called Space/Time Manipulation) - The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time, and moving instantaneously through space. This is the power Hiro Nakamura had.

Chronokinesis is the ability to mentally alter time. Someone with this ability could travel through time into the future or the past, control the movement of time forward or back, thus slow down foes or speed oneself up. Time could also be slowed to the point of stopping, effectively freezing time for the duration of the use. With enough practice, it could be possible to accelerate or reverse the aging process on oneself, as well as travel to alternate futures that have been produced by different decisions, actions, etc. This ability may also include the manipulation of space as well in accordance with the time-space continuum and is most often accompanied by the ability of teleportation. The time-traveling is visually similar to teleporting forwards or backwards in time, as the user may end up in a totally different location in a different time, rather than simply shift time around their current location.

Chronokinesis also grants the user a form of protection from powers that alter or control the flow of time. For example, another chronokinetic could still move even if time was frozen by someone else. Like the other aspects of Chrokinesis, this may be extended to others through touch.

Ability Bestowal - the ability to emit a very particular type of radiation that manipulates the genetic code to the point that it is malleable and able to be reformed. This provides the person with this ability the power to alter another person's DNA, basically granting the subject an ability that otherwise would not have been present in their own personal evolution, or sometimes activating a latent ability. In many cases, persons with this ability may not even be aware of what they are doing, as it appears to be an autonomic reaction, happening by its own will, but it can be learned to be controlled (unlike spontaneous regeneration) once the person becomes aware of it.

Aerokinesis - the ability to affect the movement of the invisible atmosphere around us. This ability is dangerous in that careless use can destroy set climate patterns, and create devastating weather-based catastrophes unwittingly. This is, of course, only when advanced aerokinetics are in the equation. Aerokinetics of average power would have great difficulty doing such deeds, even when they apply conscious effort to do so.

Aerokinesis is essentially the ability to manipulate air pressure, creating violent winds. This ability, when used by an experienced aerokinetic, can by quite accurate, creating pointed attacks of concussive wind-blasts. Advanced wielders may even create tornadoes, and one with limitless power could even effect the weather.

Genetic Emutlation - This ability, in essence, would allow a Special to replicate the psyches of victims and then become them, gaining all of their skills, experience, emotions and, in the case of specials, even their superhuman abilities.

Someone with this ability would be able to create mental copies of psyches within one's own mind - all of the memories, experiences and traits contained and stored within the mind. This replication would requires physical contact and an extremely long time. Depending on the age of the person whose psyche one is trying to replicate, it could take anywhere from twelve hours to two days, more or less nonstop. One could break the replication, but otherwise the reading would have to continue undisturbed, or it would be broken and the replication would fail. Fortunately for the victim, after about half an hour of being replicated, the victim would fall into a coma-like state, halting some of their nonessential brain functions to make the replication go faster. They wouldn’t wake up until the replication was done or canceled. Nevertheless, using haste would be best.

In addition to the victims' psyches, someone with this ability would replicate the superhuman abilities of Specials. Because the knowledge of the genetic mutation is contained in the hypophysis, the genetic emulation would be able to replicate the alteration. However, because this information is encoded chemically in the brain, replicating a Special’s psyche would take a good deal longer than someone of the same age without an ability. One could perform this replication against the will of the victims, but until the coma state began, they’d be free to resist, making the use of restraints or sedatives helpful. Mental powers would interfere with the replication, making the process a constant battle of wills.

At any time, someone with this ability could mentally access the psyches, no matter the exterior mental influence. However, telepaths could access these psyches and use their knowledge or skills.

Anomalistic Randomization - a very unstable ability of an evolved human. Similar to empathic mimicry or intuitive aptitude in that it allows for the experience of may different powers, it differs in its inability to retain any ability. Random genetic mutations within the DNA code of the individual also make this ability unique in that it is not required that they ever encounter another "Special". At undefined time intervals that the person cannot control, their manifested abilities simply change.

Changes within the genetic code can be influenced by the emotions and mood of the subject, but more often than not, these have little effect. The change is always random and rarely repeats itself, with previous abilities experienced never retained though they can be repeated. Often, the person with this ability will never know what ability they have at any given moment because their abilities are latent or imperceptible. Other times the power is quite obvious, but almost all the time there is no control whatsoever because the user never has time to practice thus making this a very dangerous ability to the individual and those around them.

Any powers experienced by a user of this ability will need to be vetted and approved by staff before they can be played. No more than a single power can be in use at a time. Also, a reasonable restriction on when and how often powers change is expected.

Aura Absorption - the ability perceive the aura of others, and to absorb that aura. Absorbing the auras of evolved humans has been shown to allow the user to manifest their ability.

Essentially, this power works in the same method as Life Absorption. However, instead of simply draining the person of their energy, the user of the ability takes on their memories and experiences, the other person's ability (if applicable), and - perhaps - even certain physical traits such as eye or hair color, though this is yet to be seen.

Deatomization - the anomalistic ability to break down atoms to their simplest form, which is (according to superstring theory) pure vibrating energy. By doing this, there would be no bi-products produced that would be harmful to the environment or otherwise detectable unless by intense scientific study.

Splitting the atom happens when extra particles, neutrons, are added to the nucleus destabilizing it and causing a breakdown within the substance. This results in anything from a simple fracture to complete disintegration. The possibility even exists, to take this energy and use it as a power source for other things. However, this ability alone does not grant this level of control. A secondary ability would need to be devoted to this.

Literary Animation - the ability to bring pre-existing literature to life. This rare and unusual ability can be incredibly powerful, however, is often dependent upon the possessor's focus and concentration. Bringing something smaller to life, such as a squirrel, would be far less of a strain upon the possessor's mind than say, The White Whale, or King Kong. The ability may also be dependent upon the survival of the book itself, or other times, the animated objects or creatures are creations based upon the creator's memory, at which point, their existence depends solely upon the focus and concentration of the creator. Variations of this ability may manifest in strength, such as the amount of effort it takes to animate something. A more powerful animator may wave his hand and create a sky-scraper-sized monster, while a less powerful animator may need to focus all of his attention to animate a mouse.

Mirroring - the ability of a telepath to form a telepathic connection to the victim, from which the hypothalamus draws genetic data, and the telepath undergoes a physical change to mimic the victim. This is a rare and intricate ability. The process begins in the eyes, where the DNA Alternate sees the person they intend to mirror. This eye contact creates a telepathic connection between the Alternate and the victim for just a moment, where the connection relays information between the two brains. The downloaded information is used to slowly modify the Alternate, taking on certain personality traits or physical talents of the victim. The telepathic connection allows the Alternate's chromosomes to change so that they are able to take on the victim's extraordinary abilities.

Mirroring begins with eyes and if the Alternate's view is obstructed, they are unable to establish the telepathic connection. The telepathic connection is vulnerable to telepathic influence, meaning that another telepath could prevent the Alternate from completing the download. A sudden break in focus would similarly disrupt the telepathic connection.

The information which the Alternate receives is imprecise. The Alternate cannot actively seek out specific information. The data the Alternate obtains is about what they have mirrored from the victim, like how to read sheet music or the limits to their new ability.

When the Alternate first learns a new skill or ability, they will experience a mental impression of how the victim felt at that moment. When the connection is broken, they will no longer experience what the victim feels. The Alternate does not 'feel' the emotion, rather, they piece together the emotion from the thoughts of the victim. The Alternate can only mirror one person at a time, and whenever they mirror a new victim, they lose all data downloaded from the last victim.

Puppetry - a specialization some telepaths use to manipulate the ventral horn in the victim, allowing them to completely dominate the actions of the victim. Puppetry (or Puppet Master) is the ability to take control of the victim's body and motor functions against their will. The DNA Alternate appears to have complete control over the victim's person's actions, but not their thoughts. They are able to force the victim to perform any physical action they desire, even if it would force them harm to themselves or others.

It appears some gesture or action needs to be taken on the part of the Alternate for the power to work, and can impose a mimicry of their actions on the victim. It is unknown how many victims can be controlled, but it is known that the Alternate can simultaneously immobilize at least three victims at the same time. The Alternate can also force at least one of the victims to move while keeping the others paralyzed. It does not require a line of sight to their victims to keep them paralyzed. While the Alternate can maintain control of the victim out of view, the Alternate cannot establish such control over the victim they cannot see. The Alternate has to concentrate on an individual to control their actions. A victim with stronger telepathic powers can overpower a DNA Alternate with puppetry.


Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 58


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