Heroes: Fate
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Banned Powers List

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Banned Powers List Empty Banned Powers List

Post  PC October 31st 2012, 11:25 pm

Banned powers are powers that have been looked over and read thoroughly, and found to be too powerful, or have been removed for other reasons. This list is not all inclusive or exhaustive. There may be ones we missed that will be added to this list. If you suspect a power may be something we may ban, its a good idea to ask before just assuming you can have it.

Powers in this category tend to fall into other categories as well.

Banned Powers (these are representative, not exhaustive and all inclusive)

Quintessential Force - the creation and manipulation of pure energy. One with this ability could increase their own physical capabilities such as defiance of gravity, increase physical attributes like strength, or manipulate it into powerful concussive blasts. One with this ability has altered senses, agility, speed, reflexes, etc. and is capable of perpetual energy generation (no need for sleep, rest, or food/water). It may be the only ability that power mimicry cannot replicate, as the energy is generated, not manipulated from outside sources.

Omnikinesis - the ability to mentally control anything and everything that exists, organic or created, existing now or in the future, right down to the molecular level. This is quite possibly the most overwhelming and most powerful ability because it involves everything that tangibly exists without exception.

Antikeimenokinesis or Object Manipulation - an umbrella term for the psychic manipulation of any substance other than the typical four elements (water, fire, earth and air), the primary four elements (energy, matter, space and time) and vital reality (Reality Bending). These include the manipulation of more obscure elements, such as rubber, gelatin, thread, graphite, ink, oil, milk, wax, sugar, quantum energy, etc. Note: This power, in its full form, is not playable in the room due to the fact its broad definition prevents effective limitations. Members are, however, encouraged to create new abilities, which, while technically a subset of this power, are far smaller in scope. They will be judged quite strenuously.

Reality Manipulation (also known as Reality Bending or Warping) - the anomalistic ability to change what the true reality, allowing for things that cannot normally occur or be possible to happen. This would effect all reality within the sphere of influence of the person wielding the power, based on their power/ability, practice and will. When this ability is in play, anything is possible based on the reality created by the person creating it.

Phoenix Mimicry - an ability that encompasses all the attributes of the mythical Phoenix. With this ability a person can fly (flight), see great distances (enhanced vision), spontaneously produce flames (pyrokinesis), cry regenerative tears as well as regenerate wounds and body parts (spontaneous regeneration and healing), and be reborn from his ashes if killed (immortality). As the mythical Phoenix was also said to have an enchanting song, people with this power often have good singing voices (though not siren songs). An increase in physical size is often a side effect though it would not be beyond human limitations of normal, but on the upper edge of that scale. (In other words, the person would be a larger person in height, frame, etc. regardless of gender.)

A beginner (young in existence) with this ability would only be able to perform slight self-levitation, fire mimicry and reincarnation, but since the user has "immortality" they can train to use all of the afore mentioned powers of the mythical phoenix over time.

There is likely a correlation to heliokinesis as this power seems activated by the sun initially and many theorize it could become stronger from its energy. However, correlation does not equal causation. It is just as likely there is no connection aside from the mythological beginnings.

Personal Proximity Amplification - allows the user to amplify one's own power levels based off of proximity to a trigger. This ability directly controls the power levels of a special's primary ability. The ability is directly connected to some form of trigger and when the individual is within range of this trigger they become stronger. The more of the trigger in the area, the stronger it is. And vice versa. If there are no triggers around them, then they are absolutely powerless. This ability is also very rare and unique and could accompany any power as a secondary. It's nature prevents it from being absorbed or mimicked in anyway. If someone were to try and absorb the power, they would only get a very weak version of the primary. Samuel Sullivan is the only special on record to have had this power.


Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 58


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