Heroes: Fate
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Rules for the Room

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Rules for the Room Empty Rules for the Room

Post  PC October 31st 2012, 11:07 pm


1) No godmoders, metagamers or Mary Sues!! ~ The staff is knowledgeable about godmoders, metagamers, and the stuff that makes a Sue, now, a Sue-ish trait or two may be forgiveable, but the more Sue traits in your application, the more you're going to have to work on, so it is in your interests to be familiar with Sues. To learn more about Sues, please read HERE

As for godmoders, I think we all know what these are. These are characters that are perfect, cannot be wounded, cannot be killed, and are experts at everything. NO character in this room is one that fits this description and they will not be allowed, or tolerated. So, if you start exhibiting this sort of behavior or tendency, expect to be called on it, and actions to be taken.

Metagaming (see definition below). Don't do it! Basically, this is taking information that you, the player, have access to, which you then use to for your character, who has no possible way of knowing.

metagaming v.

The act of using information gleaned as a player otherwise unknown to a player's character in such a way as to effect how that character is played.

The act of knowingly having a player's character pursue a course of action in game that is reflective of situations that have arisen apart from the game itself.

For example, you and another character are having drinks. The other character posts thoughts about how easy it's going to be to poison you, and slips it in when you aren't looking. When that character comes back, you post spilling the drink, or refusing it, when clearly, your character would take and drink it, not knowing it was poisoned. The only exception would be if your character had an ability to read minds, and only then, if you had actually posted that you were doing so. In short, keep OOC info out of RP. If you're caught, you will be called on it, and could have your RP invalidated.

2) Fate's Relationship to Canon ~ Absolutely no canon/relative of canon/coworker of canon characters. All show canon characters are treated as NPC's and are only usable by Admin, and this is done very rarely.

3) Keep to the Theme! ~ Your character should fit the world of Heroes. Powers are not the source of supernatural/magic means, nor result of alien experimentations, or obtained through high-tech cybernetics. The abilities are genetic and evolutionary and are triggered by adrenal stimulation and the "fight or flight" mechanism and are scientific in nature.

4) Character Ability ~ You may possess one/two abilities, two is the maximum. However, your secondary ability must meet two standards. It must be related to your first. It also should not be more powerful than your first.

We have a abilities that are capped, some which cant be used, and some only at admin discretion. Please check our power list for details

You may also use activating evolution for ideas, but not all of the powers listed there will be allowed here. Please do not cut and paste a description from the site. Describe how the ability works in your own words.

5) New Manifests ~ As a new player, your first character must be new manifest. Basically you must manifest in game or a week or two before joining the game.

6) Originality & Realism ~ Please try to be original and realistic. In terms of names, try not to use a name already in use. This will save on confusion. You can find a many to choose from on a site like Babynames.com or similar sites. The name should fit your character's age, ethnicity, etc. The same standards are the same for history, keep it realistic, and don't fall into the pitfalls of clichés or sue-isms.

7) Cooperation with Staff ~ Once you have posted your application, you will receive a reply from an application moderator. Please be patient.

The reply to your application may ask for changes before you can be accepted. Be cooperative with the staff, as we are only trying to help you iron out issues. We mean no offense or harm.

8) Approval Process ~ Once you're approved, you will be notified, via PM. Your application will be moved to the approved thread and you're ready for play. Obviously, you must have an approved character bio before you'll be able to play in the room as anything other than a straight human.

9) Locking Bios ~ Upon approval, your application will be locked. If you wish to make changes, PM those changes as updated application sections to a staff member. If they approve, they will make the changes.

10) Character Limits & AV Information ~ You aren't limited to the number of characters you can create, but please, if you're not going to be playing a character regularly, ask us to put their bio in the archives so that the model is free for use and we don't have a thousand characters not being played. If you want to play nine characters, and you play them all pretty regularly, that's great. If you have nine and only play two regularly, then the remaining ones will be shelved if activity is not shown with them.

With regards to AVs and models to be used for them, we prefer photos, in other words actual people. Anime, manga and such things won't cut it here and you won't be approved with such an AV model. While the room's "universe" may be science fiction, its not a cartoon, anime, manga, etc.

Also, regarding canon characters and their actors/actresses, its mentioned above that you cannot play a canon character in Heroes: Fate. By extension of that, you cannot use a model for your character that was a regular character on the show. For example, no Milo Ventimiglia, Hayden Panettiere, Jack Coleman, Ali Larter, etc models listed in your character bios.

11) Bio Archives ~ If you have not updated your bio in 30 days (i.e. it is a work-in-progress, or the staff has asked you to make changes which you have not made to your bio in the Registration Forum), your character's bio will be archived in the Inactive Characters forum. Should you choose to return to Heroes: Fate after your 30 day deadline is up, we can always move the bio from the Archive back to the appropriate section for you to work on. We archive inactive characters and inactivate members after 30 days of no-shows to cut down on board clutter, so please keep that in mind.

12) Power Alterations ~ After you have played for a while (Staff's discretion on how long "a while" is) on the character whose power you'd like to edit, you may choose to edit their power, such as by adding a secondary ability, or by modifying what powers they already have by expanding on them. This does not mean you can completely change their power (i.e. they can't go from having "Flying" as an ability to "Terrakinesis." The alteration being made has to relate to the original ability).

13) Factions ~ The only available factions when starting out are Villain, Hero, or Neutral. If you wish to have your character join the Rogue Society, the Watchers PI, or the Company, you will need to contact the staff and apply to join. Bear in mind that these factions will require you to do certain things in order to join, and your character might not necessarily make it in on the first try. You may elect to join a faction at any point, but again, you will have to contact the faction leader for an application and an audition.

14) Obviously, there will be no characters below the age of 18. If a celebrity model is under the age of 18, they cannot be used for AVs. You cannot directly involve even an NPC that is under 18 years of age in any roleplay. You can reference a person under the age of 18 as in "I have a daughter that's 14" or something similar, but that is the extent to which you can bring them to the roleplay.

15) Since we're all adults, its understandable that characters may form relationships, and they may gravitate towards sexual scenes. Keep ALL scenes with any degree of sexuality to PM. Further, while we know this might happens, that does not mean that this is a cybersex room. This is NOT a cybersex room. If that's what you're looking for, its best if you go looking somewhere else.

In addition, don't attempt to start relationships with characters that are clearly not interested in yours, or that are otherwise involved. Far too much drama starts with such things, and we're not here to have a bunch of chaotic drama. The only drama we're interested in here is the drama of storytelling and roleplaying.

16) Under no circumstances are rape scenes/roleplays allowed. Whatsoever. This is a very touchy and highly emotional subject and we're going to avoid it. You may have a character that has been raped, or that raped someone, and that can be mentioned in a conversational or matter of fact manner. However, under no circumstances can you play out a rape scene in roleplay in the room. We have many female players, some of which have been actually raped, and we're not even going to think about opening that can of worms, not to mention its reprehensible. So don't do it. Ever. Period.


Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 58


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